If you are new to Park Hill, welcome to our practice!

Please head over to the Get Started page here for a free consultation:

If you have a general question, please contact us via the webform or by email.

New patients are kindly asked to utilize our "Get Started" page. This aids us in identifying the most suitable practitioner at Park Hill for your needs, while also assisting in determining whether in-person or telehealth sessions are the most appropriate choice.

We’re looking forward to helping you meet your goals.

Please note that email and online contact forms are not secure forms of communication. For this reason, please limit submitted information to that which you would be comfortable discussing in a public place. Electronic communications can be intercepted, circulated, or changed without the knowledge of the sender or the recipient. Your use of email and/or this contact form confirms that you accept this risk.

Our Office

381a Eglinton Ave. W., Toronto, ON M5N 1A3


Connect with us to discuss your initial appointment at Park Hill Psychology.
Let us help you take the first steps toward your personal goals.